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KARINA (CaritasIndonesia) is the humanitarian arm of the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesiabased in Central Jakarta and is official member of the Caritas Internationalisconfederation. Established in mid-2006. KARINA (Caritas Indonesia) acts as acoordinating and facilitating body for all the 37 Dioceses incorporated underthe Bishops’ Conference of IndonesiaJob Title: Project OfficerLocation:East JakartaDivision: ProgramDate: A.S.A.P.Application, CV and contactdetails for 3 references should be submitted by e-mail to: or at the latest Morning, 18 February 2013. Mercy Corps helps people turn the crises they confront into theopportunities they deserve. Driven by local needs, our programs providecommunities in the world's toughest places with the tools and supportthey need to transform their own lives.

Our worldwide team in 41countries is improving the lives of 19 million people.Mercy Corps Indonesia is currently seeking to fill the post through external candidates:AMBON. DeputyProgram ManagerThe Deputy Program Manager will support Program Manager inall aspects of program implementation for AtUP/Matasiri with communities inMaluku.Pleasesend your CV with position applied on the email subject to:Vacancy will be closed 16 February 2013 andonly short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.Welook forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking thisopportunity to grow and develop with us. The Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia is amulti-stakeholder association dedicated to support Indonesianinitiatives aiming at supporting governance reform agenda. Program.Marine Protected Areas Governance (MPAG).
mendukung KementerianKelautan dan Perikanan (KemenKP) dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk mencapaikomitmen Pemerintah Indonesia membangun Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (KKP)seluas 20 juta hektar pada 2020, serta mengelolanya secara efektif. Plan is an international humanitarian,child-centered community development organization without religious, politicalor governmental affiliation. Vacancy No: Jakarta/2013/004Position Title: Project Admin Clerk (50%part time work)Project Title: MAMPU- Access to Employment and Decent Work of ILO Jakarta OfficeGrade: GS3Contract: Fixed Term (part time 50%)Duration: 12 monthsDuty Station: ILO- MedanExpecting Starting date: March 2013Nationality: IndonesianLanguages: Must be fluent in bothspoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia.Remuneration General Service Level 3 of the UN commonremuneration system and/or commensurate with the qualifications and competencyof the selected candidate.Qualified women and menare encouraged to apply. Only qualified candidates will be notified.
Pleasesubmit application indicating the Vacancy Announcement Number along withCV, 3 referencesandother supporting documents to:INTERNATIONALLABOUR OFFICEEmail. Jakarta/2013/003Position Title: Project Admin Clerk (50% part time work)Project Title: MAMPU-Access to Employment and Decent WorkGrade: GS3Contract Type: Fixed Term (part time 50% time)Deadline of Application: 19 February 2013Organization Unit: ILO JakartaDuty Station: SurabayaExpecting starting date: March 2013Education: Completion of tertiary school education, supplemented by asecretarial diploma is the minimum requirement.Key skills:1. Knowledge of the secretarial and administrativeprocedure and practices.2. Knowledge of general office procedures and workrelated methods.3.
Ability to use computer for Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, E-mail) required for work.4. Ability to respond appropriately.5.
Ability to plan and organize own work6. Ability to work under pressureNationality: IndonesianLanguages: Must be fluent in bothspoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia.Remuneration General Service Level 3 of the UN commonremuneration system and/or commensurate with the qualifications and competencyof the selected candidate.Qualified women and menare encouraged to apply. Only qualified candidates will be notified.
Pleasesubmit application indicating the Vacancy Announcement Number along withCV, 3 referencesandother supporting documents to:INTERNATIONALLABOUR OFFICEEmail. VACANCY ADVERTISEMENTRTI International is one of theworld's leading research institutes, dedicated to improving the human conditionby turning knowledge into practice. ADVERTISEMENTChemonics International Inc., a leading international consulting firm,seeks to fill the following long-term, full-time positions for a projectfunded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),Indonesia Changes for Justice (C4J). URGENTLY REQUIREDThe Barrier Removal to the Cost-Effective Development andImplementation of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling (BRESL) project, isa regional project on Energy-efficiency Standard and Labeling funded by GEF andmanaged by UNDP. In Indonesia, BRESL Project is implemented by theMinistry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.
TheProject aimed at transforming the regional product markets of the targetedappliances, equipment and lighting products. BRESL is also aimed at acceleratingthe adoption and implementation of energy efficiency standards and labels. TheProject are focusing on 7 home appliances, i.e. Compact Fluorescence Lamp,electric fan, electric ballast, air conditioner, electric motor, refrigerator,and rice cooker.BRESLproject is currently recruiting for Energy EfficiencyProgram AssistantDuties & Responsibilities1.
Updatethe information of the capabilities and the needs of eachTesting Laboratories and ES&L program in Indonesia2. In coordination with the Forum Electrical Testing Laboratories and EnergyEfficiency and Directorate General NewRenewable Energy and Energy Conservation (DGNRE-EC) develop Road Map for ES&L Testing Laboratories and ES&Lprogram.3. Provide assistance to the Forum Electrical Testing Laboratories and EnergyEfficiency in the development and implementation of its program4. Assist JPF Liason Officer in the development and implementation of EE TestingLaboratories accreditation acceleration program.5.
Develop testing facilities assessment guideline as a reference for the sustainableTesting Laboratories Forum after the completion BRESL Program6. Undertake technical and operational activities to assist BRESL team in theprovision of technical assistance for the improvement of EE testing laboratoriescapacity.7. Prepare various written outputs e.g. Minute of meeting, synthesis of workanalysis, study reports and other redactional related activities.8. Perform any other relevant duties as advisedby the National Project Managerand National Project Director.Key Results Expected1. Updated information of the capabilities and the needs of each Testing Laboratories and ES&L program in Indonesia2. Road Map for ES&L Testing Laboratories and ES&Lprogram3.
Implementation of EE Testing Laboratories accreditation acceleration program4. Testing facilities assessment guideline as a reference for thesustainable Testing Laboratories Forum after the completion BRESLProgram5. Improvement of EE testing laboratories capacity.Competencies1. Professionalism: Demonstratedprofessional competency in the field of energy conservation, andstandardization Strong initiative, workindependently and coordinate with the PMU in completing the tasks.
Good analytical skillsand be able to outline a systematic and structured reports. Good leadership, ableto lead, direct and summarize a meeting with constructive solutions. Fallout new vegas level up no perk.
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Has ability in thefield of engineering and laboratory testing will be an advantage.1. Planning and Organizing: Able to work and adaptpromtly in an organizational environment with tight schedules and underpressure. Workingeffectively in a short time frameand able to maintain a good relationship with the various parties.1.
Communication: High qualitycommunication skill in Bahasa Indonesia and English in written as well asorally Ableto convey messages and ideas in a clear, concise style for various audienceswritten and oral. Abilityto maintain and develop the network at all levels is the most desirable.1. Creativity: Innovativethinking to develop tools and action plans to assist the government inimplementing Energy-efficiency Standards & Labeling policies Ability to think out ofthe box in addressing systematic challenges or circumvent a way out fromdifficult problemsQualification1. Academicbackground: An advanced university degreein the field of Electrical Engineering, Public Administration or other relevantsubject A first-leveluniversity degree in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted inlieu advanced university degree.2. Experience: A minimum of 3 years ofworking experience in the field of energy conservation, energy efficiency,manufacturing home appliances, or other related experiences Experience working withthe international organization and/or government of Indonesia would be an asset. Experience of workingclosely with the manufacture,laboratories and testing of appliances3. Language: Fluent in Englishwriting and speakingis required Any other UN officiallyrecognized languages is preferredInterested applicants are requested tosubmit their CV and application to by February23, 2013 at the latest.
Please put the jobtitle with your name in the email subject.Visit our website forfurther information and job specifications. Please note that only shortlistedcandidates will be contacted. URGENTLY REQUIREDThe Barrier Removal tothe Cost-Effective Development and Implementation of Energy EfficiencyStandards and Labeling (BRESL) project, is a regional project onEnergy-efficiency Standard and Labeling funded by GEF and managed byUNDP. In Indonesia, BRESL Project is implemented by the Ministry ofEnergy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Project aimed attransforming the regional product markets of the targeted appliances, equipmentand lighting products. BRESL is also aimed at accelerating the adoption andimplementation of energy efficiency standards and labels. The Project arefocusing on 7 home appliances, i.e.
Compact Fluorescence Lamp, electric fan,electric ballast, air conditioner, electric motor, refrigerator, and ricecooker.BRESL project is currently recruiting for Energy Efficiency Business SpecialistDuties & Responsibilities:1. Actively support Directorate General of New RenewableEnergy and Energy Conservation (DGNRE-EC) and other stakeholders especially inthe development & implementation of incentives and/or financing schemes forthe manufacturers and consumers of energy-efficient (EE) appliances, includingbut not limited to Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund scheme, rebate program andother incentives for consumers of EE appliances2. Provision of technical assistance to manufacturers in addressingmarketing/financial barriers in producing/selling EE appliances, including strengthening of EE appliances market surveillance,access to finance for capital improvements.3. Provide support to DGNRE-EC, Fiscal Policy Agencyand otherstakeholders in the development of government procurement program for EE appliances.4.
Undertake technical and operational activities to assist NationalProject Manager to conduct coordinationwith Sub Contractor and other related parties in the preparation andimplementation of Study on EE Potentialby Implementation of ES&L Program.5. Coordinate the development and implementation of ConsumerEducation program, including but not limited to development of consumereducation materials on ES&L for AC and Fridge,6. Facilitate and undertake coordination in the developmentand implementation of Pilot Project.7.
Prepare various written outputs e.g. Minute of meeting,synthesis of work analysis, study reports and other redactional relatedactivities.8. Perform any other relevant duties as advised by National Project Manager and National Project Director.Key Results Expected1. The establishment of incentives and/or financing schemesfor the manufacturers and consumers of energy-efficient (EE) appliances.2. Localmanufacturers addressing technical and marketing/financialbarriers to participate inthe ES&L program3. Guideline for Market Surveillance of EE appliances4. Government procurement program for EE appliances5.
Consumer education material on ES&L (for AC, Fridge)6. Financialinstitutions are willing to provide (or at least considering providing)financing for facility and production improvements to accommodate EE productmanufacturingCompetencies1. Professionalism: Demonstrated professional competency in the field offinance and business Coupled with hands on experience in banking/financial policy,development of public policy processes at national and/or provincial level Good knowledge in energy conservation and/or climate change issues1. Planning and Organizing: Demonstrable planning and organizational skills to handlemultiple task related to finance in the national as well as international level Proven track record of outstanding work performance understrict deadlines1. Communication: High quality public communication skill in BahasaIndonesia and English Ability to convey messages and ideas in a clear, concisestyle for various audiances written and oral.1. Creativity: Innovative thinking to develop tools and action plans to pushfinanciers in committing to the programQualification1. Academic background: An advanced university degree in the field of economic,business administration or public administration A first level university degree in combination withqualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree2.
Experience: A minimum of 5 years of working experience in the area offinance, business advisory, or other related experiences Having experience of working closely with the internationalorganization and/or government of Indonesia would be an advantageInterestedapplicants are requested to submit their CV and application to byFebruary 23, 2013 at the latest. Visit our website or for further information and job specifications. Pleasenote that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Plan is an international humanitarian,child-centered community development organization without religious, politicalor governmental affiliation. Beranda / Lowongan AsistenLapangan Survei Kualitas Pendidikan Anak 201314 Februari 2013Lowongan Asisten Lapangan Survei Kualitas Pendidikan Anak 2013Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan (PSKK) UGM akan melakukan.SurveiKualitas Pendidikan Anak., di 6 Provinsi (Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, NTT, NTB,Sumatera Utara, dan Gorontalo) yang akan dimulai pada bulan Maret 2013.Kami membutuhkan sebanyak + 140 asisten lapangan dengan kriteria:1. Mempunyai motivasi tinggi untuk melakukan penelitian lapangan2. Mampu bekerja dengan kondisi minimum di lapangan3.
Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab4. Mampu bekerja.full time. maksimal 4 minggu terus-menerus selamapenelitian berlangsung5. Bersedia ditempatkan di semua wilayah penelitianBagi yang berminat silakan kirimkan CV ke alamat berikut:Email:Subject: CV Survei Kualitas Pendidikan Anak 2013 – (EN/DE)Pengiriman CV paling lambat diterima panitia hari.Selasa., tanggal.19Februari 2013.,.jam 12.00.WIB.SYARAT ASISTEN PENELITI UNTUK SEMUA DAERAH:.Pewawancara/Enumerator (EN).:1. Telah lulus tingkat sarjana (S-1) atau mahasiswa S-1 tingkat akhir2. Memiliki pengalaman melakukan survei (diutamakan dalam 1 tahunterakhir), diutamakan survei rumah tangga dan fasilitas yang dibuktikandengan fotokopi sertifikat3. Menguasai teknik melakukan wawancara survei dengan baik4.
Menguasai bahasa daerah di salah satu wilayah survei5. Diutamakan berusia. Pemerintah saat ini sangat perhatian terhadap nasib para guru, hingga diputuskan untuk memberikan sertifikasi bagi guru di Indonesia. Selamat bagi anda para guru.berdasarkan informasi dari dinas pendidikan. Semua guru akan disertifikasikan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:1.
Masa kerja telah genap 7 tahun per tanggal 31 Desember 20122. Pendidikan S-1 atau PNS yang berpangkat IV/a3. PNS / GTT / GTY / Kontrak daerah / Kontrak UNICEF.4. Pelaksanaan ujian kompetensi online akan dilakukan pada minggu ke empat Februari 2013semoga anda termasuk didalamnya. Pengurusan administrasi silahkan hubungi Dinas pendidikan setempat.Berikut ini adalah daftar calon peserta.
Data inimerupakan hasil verifikasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kab/Kotaper 30 Agustus 2012.Berikut untuk melihat daftar calon peserta sertifikasi guru 2013.1.2. Klik kriteria2. Pilih provinsi3. Pilih Kab/Kota4. Klik “Tampilkan”Langkah Pencarian perorangan1.2.
Klik menu “Pencarian”3. Ketik NUPTK4. Klik tombol pencariansemoga bermanfaat.
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