Lynda Linux System Engineer: Iscsi Storage Area Networks Download
- Linux System Engineer: iSCSI Storage Area Networks; Linux System Engineer: Advanced Disk Systems and System Backup; Lynda - Linux System Engineer: Web Servers and DNS Using Apache, NGINX,. Lynda - Linux System Engineer: Network Filesystems Using NFS and Samba; Linux System Engineer: Web Servers and DNS Using Apache, NGINX, and BIND.
- This course covers objectives related to iSCSI-the standard protocol for linking a storage area network (SAN) on Linux. Instructor Grant McWilliams provides an overview of iSCSI and related terminology, including targets, initiators, LUNs, backstores, and iSCSI addressing.
Mastering the skill to manage iSCSI storage is necessary to be a Linux system engineer. In this course, we build an iSCSI storage area network from a physical block device to the finished drive exported to the network, including access control list, for security.
By Jeff Hunter, Sr. Database Administrator Contents.IntroductionThis article shows you how to use the software to add a new volume on Linux from an iSCSI target; namely.
This new volume will be formatted with an ext3 file system and can then be used to store any type of file(s) which in this example will be Oracle database files.Included in this article will be how to configure an iSCSI target on Openfiler, configure the Open-iSCSI Initiator on the Oracle database server to discover and add a new volume, how to format the new volume with an ext3 file system, and finally how to configure the file system to be mounted on each boot.Before discussing the tasks in this article, let’s take a conceptual look at what my environment looks like. An Oracle database is installed and configured on the node linux3 while all network storage is being provided by Openfiler on the node openfiler1. A new 36GB iSCSI logical volume will be carved out on Openfiler which will then be discovered by the Oracle database server linux3. After discovering the new iSCSI volume from linux3, the volume will be partitioned, formatted with an ext3 file system, and mounted to the directory /u03.
All machines in my example configuration have two network interfaces — one for the public network ( and a second for storage traffic ( Figure 1: Example iSCSI Hardware ConfigurationAbout Linux Open-iSCSI InitiatorThe Linux Open-iSCSI Initiator is a built-in package included with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or later, however, in most cases it does not get installed by default. The Open-iSCSI Initiator software is included in theiscsi-initiator-utils package which can be found on CD #1. You can connect to an iSCSI volume at a shell prompt with just a few commands as will be demonstrated in this article.For more information and download location of Open-iSCSI, please visit:. About OpenfilerPowered by, is a free browser-based network storage management utility that delivers file-based Network Attached Storage (NAS) and block-based Storage Area Networking (SAN) in a single framework.
Openfiler supports CIFS, NFS, HTTP/DAV, FTP, however, we will only be making use of its iSCSI capabilities to implement an inexpensive SAN for the network storage to be used for Oracle database files. ISCSI TechnologyFor many years, the only technology that existed for building a network based storage solution was a Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (FC SAN). Based on an earlier set of ANSI protocols called Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), Fibre Channel was developed to move SCSI commands over a storage network.Several of the advantages to FC SAN include greater performance, increased disk utilization, improved availability, better scalability, and most important to us — support for server clustering! Still today, however, FC SANs suffer from three major disadvantages. The first is price. While the costs involved in building a FC SAN have come down in recent years, the cost of entry still remains prohibitive for small companies with limited IT budgets.
The second is incompatible hardware components. Since its adoption, many product manufacturers have interpreted the Fibre Channel specifications differently from each other which has resulted in scores of interconnect problems. When purchasing Fibre Channel components from a common manufacturer, this is usually not a problem. The third disadvantage is the fact that a Fibre Channel network is not Ethernet! It requires a separate network technology along with a second set of skill sets that need to exist with the data center staff.With the popularity of Gigabit Ethernet and the demand for lower cost, Fibre Channel has recently been given a run for its money by iSCSI-based storage systems. Today, iSCSI SANs remain the leading competitor to FC SANs.Ratified on February 11, 2003 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Small Computer System Interface, better known as iSCSI, is an Internet Protocol (IP)-based storage networking standard for establishing and managing connections between IP-based storage devices, hosts, and clients. ISCSI is a data transport protocol defined in the SCSI-3 specifications framework and is similar to Fibre Channel in that it is responsible for carrying block-level data over a storage network.
Block-level communication means that data is transferred between the host and the client in chunks called blocks. Database servers depend on this type of communication (as opposed to the file level communication used by most NAS systems) in order to work properly. Like a FC SAN, an iSCSI SAN should be a separate physical network devoted entirely to storage, however, its components can be much the same as in a typical IP network (LAN).While iSCSI has a promising future, many of its early critics were quick to point out some of its inherent shortcomings with regards to performance.

The beauty of iSCSI is its ability to utilize an already familiar IP network as its transport mechanism. The TCP/IP protocol, however, is very complex and CPU intensive.
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With iSCSI, most of the processing of the data (both TCP and iSCSI) is handled in software and is much slower than Fibre Channel which is handled completely in hardware. The overhead incurred in mapping every SCSI command onto an equivalent iSCSI transaction is excessive. For many the solution is to do away with iSCSI software initiators and invest in specialized cards that can offload TCP/IP and iSCSI processing from a server’s CPU.
These specialized cards are sometimes referred to as an iSCSI Host Bus Adaptor (HBA) or a TCP Offload Engine (TOE) card. Also consider that 10-Gigabit Ethernet is a reality today!So with all of this talk about iSCSI, does this mean the death of Fibre Channel anytime soon? Probably not. Fibre Channel has clearly demonstrated its capabilities over the years with its capacity for extremely high speeds, flexibility, and robust reliability. Customers who have strict requirements for high performance storage, large complex connectivity, and mission critical reliability will undoubtedly continue to choose Fibre Channel.As with any new technology, iSCSI comes with its own set of acronyms and terminology. For the purpose of this article, it is only important to understand the difference between an iSCSI initiator and an iSCSI target.
Lynda Linux System Engineer: Iscsi Storage Area Networks Download For Computer
ISCSI InitiatorBasically, an iSCSI initiator is a client device that connects and initiates requests to some service offered by a server (in this case an iSCSI target). The iSCSI initiator software will need to exist on the client node which in this article is a database server on machine linux3.An iSCSI initiator can be implemented using either software or hardware. Software iSCSI initiators are available for most major operating system platforms.
For this article, we will be using the free Linux software driver found in the iscsi-initiator-utils RPM. The iSCSI software initiator is generally used with a standard network interface card (NIC) — a Gigabit Ethernet card in most cases. A hardware initiator is an iSCSI HBA (or a TCP Offload Engine (TOE) card), which is basically just a specialized Ethernet card with a SCSI ASIC on-board to offload all the work (TCP and SCSI commands) from the system CPU. ISCSI HBAs are available from a number of vendors, including Adaptec, Alacritech, Intel, and QLogic.

ISCSI TargetAn iSCSI target is the “server” component of an iSCSI network. This is typically the storage device that contains the information you want and answers requests from the initiator(s).
For the purpose of this article, the node openfiler1 will be the iSCSI target. Configure iSCSI TargetPerform the following configuration tasks on the network storage server (openfiler1).Openfiler administration is performed using the Openfiler Storage Control Center — a browser based tool over an https connection on port 446.
For example: the Openfiler Storage Control Center home page, log in as an administrator. The default administration login credentials for Openfiler are:.
Username: openfiler. Password: passwordThe first page the administrator sees is the Status / System Overview screen.To use Openfiler as an iSCSI storage server, we have to perform six major tasks — set up iSCSI services, configure network access, identify and partition the physical storage, create a new volume group, create all logical volumes, and finally, create new iSCSI targets for each of the logical volumes.
ServicesTo control services, we use the Openfiler Storage Control Center and navigate to Services / Enable/Disable. Figure 2: Enable iSCSI Openfiler ServiceTo enable the iSCSI service, click on the ‘Enable’ link under the ‘iSCSI target server’ service name. After that, the ‘iSCSI target server’ status should change to ‘ Enabled‘.The ietd program implements the user level part of iSCSI Enterprise Target software for building an iSCSI storage system on Linux. With the iSCSI target enabled, we should be able to SSH into the Openfiler server and see the iscsi-target service running:root@openfiler1 # service iscsi-target statusietd (pid 14243) is running.Network Access RestrictionThe next step is to configure network access in Openfiler to identify the client node (linux3) that will need to access the iSCSI volume(s) through the storage network (
Note that iSCSI logical volumes will be created. Also note that this step does not actually grant the appropriate permissions to the iSCSI volume required by the client node. That will be accomplished later in this section by for the new logical volume.As in the previous section, configuring network access is accomplished using the Openfiler Storage Control Center by navigating to General / Local Networks.
The “Local networks configuration” section (at the bottom of the page) allows an administrator to setup networks and/or hosts that will be allowed to access resources exported by the Openfiler appliance. For the purpose of this article, we will want to add the client node individually rather than allowing the entire network have access to Openfiler resources.When entering the client node, note that the ‘Name’ field is just a logical name used for reference only. As a convention when entering nodes, I simply use the node name defined for that IP address.
Next, when entering the actual node in the ‘Network/Host’ field, always use its IP address even though its host name may already be defined in your /etc/hosts file or DNS. Lastly, when entering actual hosts in our Class C network, use a subnet mask of is important to remember that you will be entering the IP address of the storage network (eth1) for each of the RAC nodes in the cluster.The following image shows the results of adding the network access permissions for linux3. Figure 3: Configure Openfiler Network Access for Client linux3Physical StorageStorage devices like internal IDE/SATA/SCSI disks, external USB or FireWire drives, external arrays, or any other storage can be connected to the Openfiler server and served to clients. Once these devices are discovered at the OS level, Openfiler Storage Control Center can be used to set up and manage all of that storage.My Openfiler server has 6 x 73GB 15K SCSI disks and 1 x 500GB SATA II disk. The six SCSI disks are configured as a RAID 0 stripe and exclusively used by iSCSI clients to store database files. Since this article concentrates on provisioning storage for Oracle database files, I will only be discussing the SCSI disks configuration.Each of the six SCSI disks were configured with a single primary ‘ RAID array member‘ partition type that spanned the entire disk.
If the new partition was not going to be part of a software RAID group, you would select the partition type as ‘ Physical volume‘.Since all of the disks will contain a single primary partition that spans the entire disk, most of the options were left at their default setting where the only modification was to change the ‘Partition Type’ from ‘Extended partition’ to ‘RAID array member’.To see this and to start the process of creating iSCSI volumes, navigate to Volumes / Physical Storage Mgmt. from the Openfiler Storage Control Center. Figure 6: New Volume GroupLogical VolumesFinally, I created a Logical Volume which is what gets discovered and used by the iSCSI client node. For the purpose of this example, I will be creating a new 36GB logical volume named linux3-data-1. The logical volume will be created using the volume group (scsi) created in the previous section.From the Openfiler Storage Control Center, navigate to Volumes / Create New Volume and select the newly created volume group scsi. Then, enter the values to make a new iSCSI logical volume making certain to select iSCSI as the filesystem type.After creating a new logical volume, the application will point you to the “List of Existing Volumes” screen.
If you want to create another logical volume, you will need to click back to the “Create New Volume” tab to create the next logical volume. Figure 8: New Logical (iSCSI) VolumeGrant Access Rights to New Logical Volume(s)Before an iSCSI client can have access to the newly created iSCSI logical volume, it needs to be granted the appropriate permissions. Awhile back, I illustrated how to configure Openfiler with the host / network access ( for linux3-san) that was configured with access rights to resources.
I now need to grant the node access to the newly created iSCSI logical volume.From the Openfiler Storage Control Center, navigate to Volumes / List of Existing Volumes. This will present the screen shown in the previous section.
For the new iSCSI logical volume, click on the ‘Edit’ link (under the Properties column). This will bring up the ‘Edit properties’ screen for that volume. Scroll to the bottom of this screen, change the host access from ‘Deny’ to ‘Allow’ for the linux3 node and click the ‘Update’ button. Figure 9: Grant Host Access to Logical (iSCSI) VolumeMake iSCSI Target(s) Available to Client(s)Every time a new logical volume is added, you will need to restart the associated service on the Openfiler server. In my case, I created a new iSCSI logical volume so I needed to restart the iSCSI target (iscsi-target) service.
This will make the new iSCSI target available to all clients on the network who have privileges to access it.)The same task can be achieved through an SSH session on the Openfiler server:root@openfiler1 # service iscsi-target restartStopping iSCSI target service: OK Starting iSCSI target service: OK Configure iSCSI Initiator and New VolumeAn iSCSI client can be any system (Linux, Unix, MS Windows, Apple Mac, etc.) for which iSCSI support (a driver) is available. In this article, the client is an Oracle database server (linux3) running CentOS 5.In this section I will be configuring the iSCSI software initiator on the Oracle database server linux3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and CentOS 5) includes the software initiator which can be found in theiscsi-initiator-utils RPM.
Linux System Engineer: Web Servers and DNS Using Apache, NGINX, and BINDEnglish MP4 AVC 1280×720 AAC 48KHz 2ch 2h 02m 282 MBLearn web server and DNS configuration and management for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)—one of the most popular Linux distributions. Instructor Grant McWilliams shows how to configure a caching-only web server using BIND, the open-source DNS software, and set up and secure an Apache web server. Then he shows how to use basic authentication to create a password-protected website and a private site for group collaboration. Next, learn how to create standard virtual hosts as well as those using nonstandard ports, and secure hosts with SSL and TLS.