Rasulullah Dalam Mengenangmu Rasulullah Nasyid Aa Gym

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- When he was six years old Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam returned to Makkah. The noble Aaminah was very pleased to receive him; her only child. Even at such a young age Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was unlike his playful peers, but quite serene and scrupulous. He never wasted his time in wild games like the other children.
Nasyid, Senandung Dakwah dalam Nada Oleh: Tempo.co. Kamis, 10 Juli 2014 20:16 WIB. Sejarahnya bahkan bisa ditarik hingga saat kedatangan Rasulullah di Madinah saat melakukan hijrah. Ada Aa Gym, Sekolah di Banyuwangi Libur 5 Agustus 2014.
Giving the SalamAbu Hurairah(ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, “You shall not enter Heaven unless you have Faith and your Faith is not complete until you show love towards one another. Would you want me to show you how you can achieve this? Shower your Salam upon one another.”General meaning — When we give our salam to another Muslim and he answers it, we are actually praying for each other’s peace in life. Thus our relationship will become closer.
This is one of the signs of people who have Faith.Giving Salam To Our FamilyAnas (ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, “O my son, when you enter the house of your family, give the salam so that you and your family may receive Allah’s blessing.' General meaning — We often visit our relatives, friends and neighbors. Before we enter their houses or our own, we should say the salam. If we are visiting another person's house, we should leave if our salam is not answered after the third time.
That is the etiquette of visiting. The purpose of saying the salam is so that we and our family may receive Allah's blessing.Say 'Bismillah' Before We EatUmar bin Abi Salamah (ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, 'Say 'Bismillah', eat with your right hand and eat what is near you.' General Meaning — No matter where we are, we should say 'Bismillah' when facing a meal. Always use our right hand and never with our left hand. Also, eat those food which are near to us and do not stretch our arms to take those food which are further away as this will only show a greedy attitude.Never Speak ill of a MealAbu Hurairah(ra) said. 'Rasulullah (saw) never once spoke ill of a meal. If he liked it, he ate it and if he did not like it, he left it untouched.'

General meaning — To speak ill of the food served by someone is bad. Such an act tells of someone ungrateful.
Rasulullah Dalam Mengenangmu Rasulullah Nasyid Aa Gym Youtube

Imagine the amount of hard work that goes into preparing and serving the food. It hurts a mother to hear her effort being slighted. Thus if you like it, eat it but if you don't, just leave it with gentle words and never with an angry tone.To Gain Knowledge is a DutyRasulullah(saw) said, 'To gain knowledge is a duty of every Muslim, male or female.' General Meaning— Knowledge is like a bright, guiding light in life. A person without knowledge will be in darkness. On the other hand, a knowledgeable person finds it easier to do a certain task which will allow him to earn his income. The aim to gain knowledge is to make it easier for us to serve Allah, for example, by giving charity from the income that we received.
Furthermore, Allah will elevate the status of a knowledgeable person.The Virtue of Reading the QuranUmamah (ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, 'Read the Quran, for it will come in the Day of Qiyamah as a torch to those that had read and followed its teachings.' General Meaning— Studying and following the teaching of the Quran will bring a lot of goodness. Just by reading it is an ibadah. Every letter that is being read has a reward and each of this reward is multiplied by ten times. Such is the reward given to someone who reads the Quran.The Du'a Most Often Recited by Rasulullah (saw)Rasulullah(saw) most often recited the following du'a, 'Oh Allah, our Lord, grant upon us the happiness in this world and happiness in the hereafter and protect us from the torture of the hellfire.' General meaning— As good Muslims, we should follow the habits of Rasulullah (saw). Thus, we are to recite the du'a most often recited by him.
The du'a is short, simple and complete. Try to recite it after every prayer.It Is Sinful To Disobey Our ParentsMughirah bin Shu'bah (ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, 'verily, Allah forbids you from disobeying your parents.'
General Meaning— Allah commands every Muslim to care for his parents properly, with kindness and courtesy. We are to heed their advice. Never show our stubbornness and disobey them with harsh words. As their child, we should repay their kindness in providing for and bringing us up.
To disobey our parents is a disgraceful act and a serious sin.Heaven Lies Under the Feet of Our MotherAnas (ra) related that Rasulullah (saw) said, 'Verily, Heaven lies under the feet of our mother.' General Meaning— Whoever intends to enter Heaven should respect and dignify his parents, especially his mother.
Our mother has carried and given birth to us. Furthermore, her du'a will be granted by Allah.
Thus, we must serve her well.To Receive and Give GiftsAishah (ra) related, 'Rasuluallah (saw) received and gave gifts.' General Meaning— To give and receive gifts is a virtue. This practice can make our relationship much closer. Always exchange a gift with a gift. However, we should remember that the value of a gift is not in its price but in the sincerity that goes with it.Every Mumin Should Support One AnotherRasulullah (saws) said, 'One mumin to another mumin is like a building that supports one another.' General Meaning— Every mumin, regardless of his race or language, must cooperate with one another in doing good deeds. Whenever we know that our friend is weak in a certain matter, we should help and support him so that we can progress together.
This is similar to a building where every wall, pillar, floor and roof supports one another so that the building can stand erect.
Rasulullah Sallllahu Alaihi Wasallam as a. RasulullahSallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.' We have sent you to be a real blessing for thepeople of the world' (21:107)'He brings them out of the depths of darkness into the light.' (2:257)This publication takes the liberty, by the grace of theAlmighty to portray the unique and exemplary roles of the belovedProphetSallallahu Alaihi Wasallam:AsAn Orphan 'Your Lord shall give you, and you shall be satisfied. DidHe not find you an orphan and shelter you? Did He not find you needyand suffice you? As for the orphan, do not oppress him, and as for thebeggar, scold him not' (Al- Duha: 94.5-6,8-10)The Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was, from his birth,brought up in the sight and under the care of Allah Ta'aalaa.
He was deprivedof his father whilst still in his mother's womb. With the death of hisfather, Allah deprived him of all human support and directed him to therealization that `there is no diety save Allah; He has no partners whatsoever'.Resultantly, he was to be called the 'Matchless Orphan Pearl.' According to the noble families of Makkah, he was taken by a foster motherHalimah, who was from the tribe of Hawazin and the family of Banu Sa'adto her village. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam lived for sixyears in the care of his foster parents, among the Banu Sa'ad, during whichtime he developed the purest dialect of Arabic. He used to respect andrevere Halimah just like a real mother.Abu - Tufayl reported that a woman met the Prophet at Ji'raanah.
Whenhe found her, he spread out his sheet for her where on she sat. Abu Tufaylenquired who the woman was. They replied, 'She is his mother who suckledhim.' When he was six years old Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam returnedto Makkah. The noble Aaminah was very pleased to receive him; her onlychild. Even at such a young age Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wasunlike his playful peers, but quite serene and scrupulous.
He never wastedhis time in wild games like the other children.The Matchless Orphan Pearl not only lost his father, he lost also hismother, Aaminah at an early age. At the vulnerable age of only six yearsthe Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam experienced the pain of beingleft without father and mother. Indeed, there would be nothing he wouldnot learn and no suffering he would not have to bear, since his very comingto the world was to be an open example for man.After the demise of his mother, his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib tookcustody of the child, who brought him up with love and affection. However,his guardianship did not last too long as he died when the Holy ProphetSallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was merely eight years of age. The honourablegrandfather of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, whom even the greatarmy of Abraha could not bring to tears, wept bitterly when he took tohis death bed. His son, Abu Talib, came to him and asked why he was weeping.He replied, 'I am weeping because I will no longer be able to embrace Muhammad.' He added, 'I am afraid something might happen to my Matchless Pearl I entrusthim to you for safe keeping.'
Abu Talib, the Holy Prophet's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam uncletook great care of him and became his guardian. He faithfully and kindlydicharged his duties.The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam continued to developinto a well cultured youth. He was never perverse or stubborn in his ways.The Prophets were especially brought up by Allah Ta'aalaa. To cite an example,at the time when Ka'abah was rebuilt in the Prophet's Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam childhood, he fell unconscious when he lifted his lower garmentin order to collect the stones in it.The Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam endured so much in life.In his very childhood his parents died, a few years later the sad demiseof his grandfather also occurred. He spent his boyhood tending the flocksof sheep and goats in the company of the bedouin boys. Education did noteven scathe him; he was completely unlettered and unschooled. Never didhe acquire the chance to sit in the company of the learned.Even so, the tribulations and trials that befell the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam did not in any way blemish the infallibility of the blessedProphet.
The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam also remembers:`During the restoration of the Ka'abah, prior to my Prophethood, I wascarrying stones and as everyone else I lifted the bottom of my clothesover my shoulder to avoid injury, which left some part of my thighs uncovered.All of a sudden, the angel that I had seen several times in my childhoodappeared to me in all his majesty. I fell down and fainted. That was thefirst and last time I uncovered any part of my body which Allah has orderedto be covered.' (Bukhari)The Almighty protected the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from fallingeven for a twinkle of the eye, since his going astray even an inch mayhave resulted in almost complete deviation of mankind.Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who is the King of allKings, and who is our Lord's beloved is the very embodiment of modestyin the midst of a society which is immodest to the core.AsA TraderThe commercial life of the Arabs is a known fact of history. In particularthe real means of livelihood of the inhabitants of the towns of those areaswhere the land was dry and sandy, or of rocky dry mountains was 'trade.'
Naturally, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam adopted the professionof his elders seeking merely to make 'both ends meet'.The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has advised, ' Taketo trade, because out of ten divisions of livehoods, nine are intrade.' The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was not sentto mankind as a trader.
How to move a program from one computer to another windows 7. Referring to this the Holy Prophet Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam has stated, ' I have not been given Revelation to hoardup wealth or to be one of the tradesman.' The Almighty Allah intended that his Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallamshould serve as a true example of mans 'life amongst man.
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Thus, in orderto achieve this, the blessed Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam undertookall roles and their relating works. His life was an open book to be readby all.It is a fact of history that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallamnot only did his trading justly but laid the fundamental principles forjust and fair trading. And the honesty, fairness and straight forwardnesswith which he did his business dealings with these people has become aneternal example for all business.The Holy Prophet's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam reputation as anhonest and truthful trader was well established while he was still a youth.He always showed a great sense of responsibility and integrity in dealingwith people.
His benevolence and strength of his word is prominentlylearnt from the following example:Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Abi Hamza (R.A) has reported that he entered intoa transaction with Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam but, without finalizingthe details, suddenly had to leave for urgent work, promising that he wouldsoon return to settle the terms. Hadhrat Abdullah (R.A) forgot the unfinishedtransaction, remembering after three days he returned to the original placeof transaction to find the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam stillawaiting his return. No sign of annoyance could be learnt from the blessedProphet's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam face. The Prophet SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam said softly, 'You have caused me much pain. I have beenwaiting for you since three days.' During the youth and manhood of the Holy Prophet's Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam life, much stringency was placed upon trading which procureddecent and lawful earnings. It is reported that the Holy Prophet SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam has stated, ' No one has ever eaten better food thanhe who eats as a result of the labour of his hands.'
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( Part narration: Bukhari )Hadhrat Aisha ( R.A.) reported Allah's Messenger Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam as saying, ' The most desirable of things you eat come fromwhat you earn, and your children come from what you earn.' ( Tirmizi )Lawful earnings can only be wholly accomplished through honest andfaithful practices.The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was commonly known amongstthe people of Makkah as 'Al- Sadiq' (truthful) and 'Al-Amin' ( faithful ). His truthful and faithful traits are foundreadily in numerous ahaadith.There are many virtues for a truthful merchant. In a hadith it has beensaid, ' The truthful and trusty merchant is associated with the Prophets,the truthful and the martyrs.'
( Tirmizi )' God shows mercy to a man whom is kind when he sells, when he buysand when he makes a claim.' ( Bukhari )Similarly, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was very particularabout refraining from unlawful earnings. He forbade business in many thingswhich themselves are unlawful and also in many forms of business becauseof the presence of unlawful elements.Accordingly, to Abu Dhar (R.A), the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallamsaid, ' There are three to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of Resurrection,at whom He will not look and whom He will not purify, andthey will have a punishment.' Abu Dhar (R.A) said, ' They are the losersand disappointed. Who are they, Messenger of Allah?' He replied thatone of them would be ' he who produces a ready sale of a commodity by falseswearing of Allah's name.'
( Muslim)He also said, ' The merchants will be raised up on the day of Resurrectionas evildoers, except those who fear Allah, are honest and speak the truth.' (Tirmizi and Ibn Majah )Many sayings of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam openly condemnall the parties involved in interest transactions: Hadhrat Jabir ( R.A.)said, 'Allah's Messenger cursed the one who accepted interest, the onewho paid it, the one who recorded it, and the two witnesses to it, sayingthey were all alike.' (Muslim)Pages upon pages could be filled with the astounding conducts of theblessed Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Conclusively, study the followingincident which highlights the Prophet's (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) patienceand acceptance of a trying situation:Hadhrat Ali ( R.A.) told that Allah's Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallamowed some dinars to so-and-so, a Jewish doctor, who demanded payment fromthe Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. When he told him, 'I have nothingto give you, O Jew,'.
He replied, 'I will not leave you, Muhammad, tillyou pay me.' Allah's Messenger said, ' I shall sit with you, then,' and did so.Allah's Messenger prayed the noon, afternoon, sunset, night and morningprayers, and his Companions were threatening and menacing the man, Allah'sMessenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam being aware of what they were doing.Then they said, ' Messenger of Allah, is a Jew keeping you in restraint?' To which he replied, ' My Lord has prevented me from practising injusticewith one whom a covenant has been made, or anyone else.' Then when theday was advanced, the Jew said, 'I testify that there is no diety but Allah;I testify that you are Allah's Messenger; and half of my property willbe devoted to Allah's path. I swear by Allah that my only purpose in treatingyou as I have done was that I might consider the description of you givenin the Taurah: Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, whose birth place is in Makkah,whose place of migration is in Taiba, and whose kingdom is in Syria; heis not harsh or rough, or loud voiced in the streets, and he is not characterizedby coarseness or lewd speech.
'I testify that there is no diety but Allah,and I testify that you are Allah's Messenger. Give a decision about thisproperty of mine according to what Allah has shown you.' History fails to present an example of such integrity, honesty,and justice.AsA HusbandThe Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was the perfect head of family.Managing many wives with ease, being a lover of their hearts, an instructorof their minds, an educator of their souls, he never neglected the affairsof the nation nor compromised his duties. This is a clear proof of hisprophethood.