Skyrim Best Race For Thief
Argonian and Khajiit make the best thieves based on their initial stats. But if you see an Argonian or Khajiit walking around your town, you know someone's gonna get robbed or killed. You can have sneak level 105, but the tail or scales draw tons of attention.But who would notice an old begger in rags? 'Invisible in plain sight' is the motto of Thasgrond the Begger. Once a successfull merchant, Thasgrond was utterly ruined when bandits destroyed his shop and killed his wife.
The Breton is the best race in Skyrim for one reason, and one reason only: a 25 percent resistance to magic. This is so much more important than many players realize, especially when choosing a character for the first time. Page 1 of 2 - Best Mods for a Thief - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: So just recently I began playing through Skyrim as a Roguish type. A Nord, granted, but more a Roguish adventurer than a Savior and Hero. At least at first, this guy is pretty well out for himself. If its profitable hell likely have a go at it. How to Create the Right Character for You in Skyrim. Unlike many games, Skyrim has few restrictions based on your starting character decision. Your choice of race makes certain play styles easier early on, but it shouldn't keep you from.
Relying on his business saavy, Thasgrond reestablished himself on the black market, dealing in stolen goods, whispered information and unsavory services. Years of unplesant dealing with unsavory characters led him to a smart business move - cut out the thief and assassin middle men by performing those trades himself. Donning his beggars cowl, Thasgrond moves about the cities unhindered, simply ignored by citizens and guards. He learns peoples daily routines, overhears their secrets, and observes the subtle interactions which betray their darkest emotions.

Beyond simple survival and profit, Thasgrond uses this information to disrupt the honest way of life which so horribly failed him.So, which human race would best fit Thasgrond, both thematically and regarding game mechanics (starting bonus, special ability, etc)? And 'Thasgrond' is just a working name; it'll be finalized once race is decided.Posts: 3425 Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:54 pm. Argonian and Khajiit make the best thieves based on their initial stats. But if you see an Argonian or Khajiit walking around your town, you know someone's gonna get robbed or killed. You can have sneak level 105, but the tail or scales draw tons of attention.But who would notice an old begger in rags?
'Invisible in plain sight' is the motto of Thasgrond the Begger. Once a successfull merchant, Thasgrond was utterly ruined when bandits destroyed his shop and killed his wife.
Relying on his business saavy, Thasgrond reestablished himself on the black market, dealing in stolen goods, whispered information and unsavory services. Years of unplesant dealing with unsavory characters led him to a smart business move - cut out the thief and assassin middle men by performing those trades himself. Donning his beggars cowl, Thasgrond moves about the cities unhindered, simply ignored by citizens and guards. He learns peoples daily routines, overhears their secrets, and observes the subtle interactions which betray their darkest emotions. Beyond simple survival and profit, Thasgrond uses this information to disrupt the honest way of life which so horribly failed him.So, which human race would best fit Thasgrond, both thematically and regarding game mechanics (starting bonus, special ability, etc)?
And 'Thasgrond' is just a working name; it'll be finalized once race is decided.yeah an imperial seems like the closest fit for you on a backstory like that.Posts: 3545 Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:41 pm. Imperials are better in heavy armor and don't get any racial bonus to suit a thief other than maybe one handed to assist a dagger (more so for an assassin as opposed to thief).I'd probably go Nord seems that they are now better at light armor than heavy (??!! Why in the world did they change it I'll never know.
My Nord remained heavy armor which I'm glad as the Nord heavy armors are better ) That and they get one handed to assist in dagger attacks if an assassin as well (though my Nord is neither nor assassin. I made a second and third character for this, lol).Breton are a magically geared race and get illusion magic bonus so this would help.Redguards get archery.Posts: 3440 Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:34 am. But generally, when I want to make a thief I go with Imperial. I just wish they had a little Speech boost in this game! Now they're battlemages, apparently.Their racial abilities fit thieves quite well, though.I'm confused why so many people have said Imperial. From what I can see, their stats are the least benefitingI can't even imagine them to suit a thief through lore as they appear the most lawful of races.
Skyrim Best Class
Being Imperial by birthright they are probably some of the wealthiest due to presence of the legion and Imperial trade. Much like true Romans throughout the Roman Empire. It was the poorer Celts, Germanics and other nationalities, I expect were likely to be the majority of thieves.Posts: 3450 Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:10 am. I'm confused why so many people have said Imperial. From what I can see, their stats are the least benefitingI can't even imagine them to suit a thief through lore as they appear the most lawful of races.
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Being Imperial by birthright they are probably some of the wealthiest due to presence of the legion and Imperial trade. Much like true Romans throughout the Roman Empire.
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It was the poorer Celts, Germanics and other nationalities, I expect were likely to be the majority of thieves.By the time of the Roman Empire, most Romans lived in abject poverty. Rome was a gigantic slum, filled with a vast proletariat of people without a pot to urinate in, or window to throw it out of. It was only the very small, very wealthy elite that benefited from Rome's plundering of the societies around it.Posts: 3350 Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:47 pm. By the time of the Roman Empire, most Romans lived in abject poverty. Rome was a gigantic slum, filled with a vast proletariat of people without a pot to urinate in, or window to throw it out of. It was only the very small, very wealthy elite that benefited from Rome's plundering of the societies around it.And most ordinary Romans were palmed off with bread and circuses.The grain dole and the games started under the Republic which was no democracy, voting was restricted to those with property and weighted to favour those with lots of propertyPosts: 3353 Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:49 pmDisplay posts from previous: Sort.
Lol'd hard at OP's veiled racism. But then found out he was actually being srs.Khajjit is the best race for playing sneak character imo.
I'm playing as one and racial attributes already have him juiced on sneak. But yes as others as have mentioned, you can play as other races and still become good at sneaking.I had to wait like 5-6 months for a patch to come out that sorted PS3 issues.
Havnt played the game since December because of the broken PS3 version and just started playing Skyrim again last week.Have 3 charactersMain - Nord mageminor:Khajit sneaky archer. But I've started playing with this one more because I absolutely love taking down people with archery, sneaking, robbing.Orc - Sword and shield for dat dere Alpha feel. Played this one the least, but I'll work on him after I finish up the Khajit and Nord characters.Havnt even completed the game.
Just been exploring and doing guild and minor quests.