Skyrim Thieves Guild Extra Jobs
The Thieves Guild is an organization of professional thieves based in Skyrim that provides mutual support for the illegal endeavors of its members and their clients. It is one of several factions that the Dragonborn can join in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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- Nov 11, 2011 Top Voted Answer. After finishing the main Thieves' quest line (returning the spoilerKey to the mumbleLock), if you keep doing guild jobs, then once in a while (every 5 or 10 quests) Del or Tonila give you a special job (slightly more involved than a normal guild job, but fairly straightforward).
- Besides Riften, you have to do five small jobs in each city. After doing five jobs for a given city, Delvin will have a special job for you. Riften doesn't have one, so after you do all four, the Thieves Guild will be restored, although you may have to finish the guild's questline to be put in charge.
The Ragged Flagon, headquarters of the Thieves GuildThe Thieves Guild is dedicated to the gathering and training of those who are stealthy and shadowy in nature. Although criminal by its very definition, for untold years, local authorities in places throughout have tolerated the existence of the guild for its role as 'crime regulator', as it does not tolerate competition or egregious conduct from its members (not to mention the personal financial benefits for authorities who play nice). It is usually considered to be a distinctly entity, though of course other organizations of the Empire do not officially condone their actions.Like any trade guild, the Thieves Guild is an organization of professionals, except that in this case the professionals are burglars, robbers, pickpockets, smugglers, and other enterprising operators. They typically don't have public guild halls, but sometimes have safe-houses, and members tend to gather at a single location in large towns, such as at a cornerclub, inn, or tavern.
Typically, members are bound not to rob each other, kill anyone while thieving, or rob the poor. The Thieves Guild usually has the resources to bribe officials, establish a black market of stolen goods, and maintain a network of informants. For historical information, see the.Based in the city of, the Thieves Guild's can be initially accessed through the, a network of tunnels that runs under the city. Contents.Joining To join the Thieves Guild, travel to and come into contact with, who can be found at the market stalls during the day, or the tavern during the night. Brynjolf will approach you and question your wealth before inviting you to help him with a little plot. This begins the first quest, in which you must steal a ring and plant it on another person.If the quest is failed, Brynjolf will still give you the next quest. Travel down to the canals and enter the.
Defeat the bandits and follow the tunnels to the, headquarters of the Thieves Guild. Here, Brynjolf will give you the next quest, tasking you with roughing up three business owners for debts he needs collected. Advantages. At his usual spot in The Ragged Flagon.Once you join the guild, you can speak to Delvin and Vex to receive radiant Thieves Guild quests. These jobs can be repeated indefinitely, and you can have one active job per quest-giver, but you must complete or quit your current job before you can receive another one from that particular quest-giver.
In addition to the monetary reward for completing these quests, they also count towards restoring the guild's status in Skyrim. In order to start the final Thieves Guild quest, you must complete five of these jobs in each of the other four main cities in Skyrim (, and ), at which point Delvin will give you a special 'reputation' quest in that city.
Skyrim Thieves Guild Special Jobs
Completing these reputation quests improves the condition of the Ragged Flagon, and allows you to bribe city to clear your bounty in that hold. Once you complete, you can bribe guards of.
's radiant quests:.: Steal a set amount of gold's worth of items.: Steal an item out of a target's pocket.: Alter the business ledger of a store. 's radiant quests:.: Steal a special item from a wealthy home.: Place an item as evidence inside a wealthy home.: Steal three specific valuable items from a wealthy house.: Steal a particular item from a store. Reputation quests:.: Recover a stolen for a. (Markarth).: Frame a captain to get revenge for a.
(Solitude).: Help get a convicted prisoner released from jail. (Whiterun).: Remove a rival guild from the picture. (Windhelm). Note: If you quicksave immediately after the dialogue ends, and before the quest is displayed on screen, you can quickload until you get a quest in the city you want. This can be useful if you want to focus your efforts on cities in which you have not yet completed restoring the Guild's status. You can also simply quit the quests, which will be marked as failed in your journal, then select new ones. You can do this an infinite number of times with almost no consequences; the item generated for the Burglary Job will remain permanently, making it hard to do another Burglary in that location, and bugs with the Fishing and Heist Jobs may remove non-quest items from your inventory.

You may be sent to for the Bedlam or Fishing quests. The Bedlam Job is bugged, however, so it cannot be completed if you are sent there. The Fishing Job will work as normal, though there is no reputation quest associated with Solstheim.Other Quests.: Speak with some of the members of the Thieves Guild and pick up your gear.: Make reparations for breaking the Thieves Guild rules.: Find items for throughout the.: Find the to restore the Crown of Barenziah.: Retrieve a 's journals for an interested buyer.: Deliver to.: Find the to clear 's debt to.
This quest unlocks access to a Thieves Guild fence. The Ragged Flagon The Thieves Guild is headquartered within the. This area is divided into a central chamber, featuring a tavern, and the which is only open to members and serves as a living quarters. If you join the Thieves Guild, you will receive a bed, end table, and chest reserved for your own use and located next to the entrance alcove. All containers in the cistern are safe for storage. The cistern also features an, archery ranges, kitchen, and locked chests that respawn for practice. Upon first visiting this area, The Ragged Flagon will be gloomy, empty, and dilapidated, but will gradually be restored as quests are completed.
Upgrading the Thieves Guild. The Ragged Flagon - Cistern improves with the fortunes of the Guild.When doing Delvin or Vex's additional jobs, you need to head out to four different cities:,. After completing five additional jobs in a single city, you'll be assigned a special job for that city.
After completing each special job, the condition of the Ragged Flagon will be improved and a new merchant will move into the main chamber. Additionally, completing a quest will enable you to use the Guild's influence to pay a reduced bounty when confronted by a guard in the corresponding city. Clearing your bounty with this method will also allow you to avoid having any stolen items in your inventory confiscated.Upon completion of the main Thieves Guild questline, a will appear in the Ragged Flagon - Cistern.
When all quests are completed, the furniture in the Ragged Flagon will be completely replaced with more upscale variants, along with additional furniture and decorations. AdditionServicesPrerequisitesBowyer and fletcherAvailable after completing one special job.ApothecaryAvailable after completing two special jobs.Available after completing three special jobs.Available after completing all four special jobs.Thieves Guild recruitComplete three special jobs.Thieves Guild recruitComplete all four special jobs.Shrine ofGrants theAvailable after completing.Contains random gold, gems and potionsComplete 125 side-jobs for Delvin and Vex.Larceny Targets and Trophies. Bust of the Gray FoxVarious rare items can be stolen from around Skyrim and sold to Delvin.
These items can be found in locations visited during the main Thieves Guild questline. Once sold to Delvin, the items will be displayed on the shelves behind the Guildmaster's desk. Collecting all the items is required to complete. in. in. in. in.
in in the Dwemer Museum in. in in. inAs you complete Vex and Delvin's side jobs, trophies will begin to fill the shelves behind the Guildmaster's desk.
Guildmaster's desk. appears after 5 jobs.
appears after 15 jobs. appears after 25 jobs. appears after 35 jobs. appears after 45 jobs. appears after 55 jobs (see ). appears after 75 jobs. A appears next to the shelves after completing 125 jobs.Upon completing, the will be placed on the stone bust behind the Guildmaster's desk.
Members (Guildmaster)OthersFences Fences are a special kind of that will buy stolen goods from you, removing the stolen tag in the process. Some Thieves Guild quests make available additional fences throughout Skyrim. Note that the allows you to sell stolen goods to any merchant that you can invest in.Even with the Fence perk, however, Thieves Guild fences still have the distinction of having the most gold of any merchants in the game (with the exception of prior to version 1.9 of the, though his superior merchant gold is only due to a bug): up to 4,000 gold after completing all of the Special Jobs, and up to 5,000 gold with the Master Trader perk, making them useful even after the Fence perk is unlocked.
Enthir is the exception to this. His gold remains at 500 or 1500 with the Master Trader perk. Danger!The Thieves Guild is also responsible for the various symbols or runes, called, etched or printed all around Skyrim.These marks are codes that previous thieves have left for future thieves. The legend for the code is outlined in a of the same name, authored.
One copy of this book can be found in the.