Joanna Newsom The Ys Street Band E.p. Rar
View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2007 CD release of Joanna Newsom & The Ys Street Band E.P. Joanna Newsom & The Ys Street Band EP Joanna Newsom. Released 2007. Joanna Newsom; Joanna Newsom & The Ys Street Band EP; About Genius Contributor Guidelines Press Advertise Event Space.
The new EP contains one new song, and two reworkings from previous albums. Her album Ys (produced/recorded by Steve Albini) is probably my favorite album of 2006. I had heard bits and pieces of her first album, and I mostly definitely could not get past her squeeky voice, but, with the release of Ys, I am officially a BIG fan of Joanna Newsom.
She's made the right adjustments to her vocals, and has become a lyrical goddess. The most intriguing thing about her voice is her unique range. There are moments where she sounds like a 12 year old and others where she sounds like an 85 year old woman. The medievil and colonial era references throughout her lyrics are absolutely perfect. ANYWAYS, the new EP is entertaining and very well done, but being backed by a band takes away from the intensity of both her voice and lyrics. It is well-worth the listen, but for those who have not jumped on the Joanna Newsom bandwagon yet are better off starting with YS, which is also available to download below.- Dan.
I've been lazy. I promise to be punctual this week. In the meantime, here are 11 albums for you, the reader who does not exist or download any of these fine records.V/A - 'Juno OST' (2008, Rhino Records)I'm posting this first because I am absolutely in love with this film and its soundtrack.
I've seen the movie 2 2/3 times already and I've listened to the soundtrack a few times also and I actually kind of like Kimya Dawson now. I used to despise her but through this soundtrack I decided to give The Moldy Peaches a try and I really like them.
Joanna Newsom Youtube

Maybe next week I'll find a way to post the movie. There's a great screener rip floating around.Joanna Newsom - 'The Milk-Eyed Mender' (2004, Drag City)Joanna Newsom rules. This is her first album.
I don't think I need to say any more about it. It speaks for itself.Joanna Newsom - 'Joanna Newsom & the Ys Street Band' (2007, Drag City)Same thing with this one, aside from mentioning that it contains one new track ('Colleen') and two Ys tracks reworked with her band. It's probably one of the best Tiding-the-Fans-Over-Until-the-Next-Album EPs that I have heard.Joanna Newsom - 'Ys' (2006, Drag City)I almost don't want to post this right now since I don't have the energy to do write an in-depth review of it but, since I'm already uploading the rest of her stuff, I thought that it would be appropriate. Still, I will have to dedicate a post solely to the review of this album. It is the best album I have ever heard in my entire life.

I've heard many albums in my life; many, many albums. This is by far the best one.AntiChris & the Raped - 'Every Girl is a Goddamn Whore' (2004, WAGTEY)This is the 2008 re-release of the album that shaped my teenage years. AntiChris fled to Australia last year but apparently he's getting back into music because he brought back The Raped's Myspace page and told me that he's starting another band. This was the only album aside from the Go Pop! Demo that I was missing from my collection (though I did have the 7' for a while before I gave it to a friend) so I bought it from the Snocap applet on their page. I paid the nine bucks mostly for the studio version of 'Fuk Yr God' from The Jesus Sessions and also the 'Rock N Roll Stole My Soul' single which I lost a few years ago. This is reissue that comes with pointless 'Black Bandanna' demo which still sucks as much as the last dozen times I've heard it and the entire Jesus Sessions, which was a really cool inclusion since it is probably the best Raped release aside from I'm a Fuking Rockstar.

I was in a horrible band once called Rapeublicans that was signed to his label for a while. He drove nine hours down from Petaluma to record our EP which he later released on We Are Going to Eat You Records. He sent us a shitload of expensive equipment (mics, mic stands, a PA, a digital 4-track, etc.) for free, gave us a ton of Rapeublicans merch and CDs for free, gave us a ton of Raped merch for free. This guy is awesome. If you like this album, go to their Myspace page and buy it.
Buy some other tracks, too. They all rule.Sia - 'Some People Have Real Problems'Password: mp3moviewarez.blogspot.comSia's new album. It's very good but nowhere near as mindblowing as Colour the Small One. I also don't understand why 'Buttons' is the hidden track. It's better than most of the other songs on the album.The Residents - 'Animal Lover' (2005, Ralph Records).
This album is fucking terrifying. Now, I know I should have expected this, it being a Residents album and all, but god damn this thing is fucking frightening. I can't even describe how scared I was when I first heard this. I was in my room sometime in the middle of the night and I decided that it would be a good idea to listen to my latest Residents download.
Joanna Newsom Ys Flac
Now, it's not like I was new to them or anything. I had downloaded a huge torrent with 25+ of their albums, major and minor, and I had already listened to most of them. I was not prepared for this one, though. All I really remember is being on my bed, in the foetal position with my blanket squeezed over my body and head, shaking. I wanted to turn i t off but I couldn't move.
I was frozen and forced to listen. I think I fell asleep halfway through because my memory just goes blank after a certain point.(sorry about the pic, best resolution I could find)Weedeater - '.And Justice for Y'all' (Berserker, 2001)Badass southern stoner/sludge stuff. 'Monkey Junction' has what I'd probably deem the best vocals in all of sludge. The live clips I've seen have been pretty bone-crushing, too. I really want to see these guys live.Pixies - 'Complete 'B' Sides' (2001, 4AD/Elektra)To me, a great band is defined by the fact that their b-sides and outtakes are better than most other bands' album-worthy material.Earth - 'Living in the Gleam of an Unsheathed Sword' (2005, Megablade)This is probably the least appreciated/discussed Earth album. The only people I've heard mention it only did so to profess their hatred for it and I've never heard the band mention it either, though most of the interviews I've read with them have exclusively been about post- Hex projects.
You know what, though? I like this album.
Joanna Newsom Have One On Me Rar
Sure, 'Dissolution III' is already on 070796 Live which, in my opinion, is a far better live collection but the title track on this one is long as hell and is a fascinating look at the transition to their current sound. It's like a mix between fuzzed-out the stuff on 070796 Live (which was their last record before Dylan decided to take a break) and the new Hex-style goodness. I am actually going to buy it tomorrow, since I found a really cheap copy online.Descartes a Kant - 'Paper Dolls' (2007, Intolerancia)I love this band. I love this album. It's like if Mike Patton drunkenly knocked up Kim Deal and she decided to have the baby in a back alley in Mexico. It's harsh and sweet; noisy and melodic. Sorry about the 128k, but this is the only rip floating around and anyway it sounds great for 128k.Enjoy these albums.