Neverwinter Nights 2 Persistent World

Neverwinter Nights 2 Persistent World

Aug 27, 2013 - Simply start Neverwinter Nights 2, go to multiplayer, direct connect address:, the files will download automatically! Here is my choice for multiclass warrior cleric build: Cleric 16/Fighter 1/Warpriest 2/Neverwinter Nine 1 (BAB 16 for 4 attacks, 17 casting levels, 2 permanent auras) Standard stats of 16STR,12dex,14CON,10INT,WIS16,CHA8 for Human. Kingdom of Haven is a persistent roleplay world based on Forgotten Realms 3.5. It’s been established since 2007 and offers a wide range of diverse roleplay, adult themes, 25+ custom classes, and monthly content. Baldur’s Gate is a popular Neverwinter Nights 2 shard set in the game world that BioWare first made famous.
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Since there is a 'sale' in GOG now, perhaps you bought the game and want to find someone to play with.My recommendation to you would be joining a 'persistent world'. I started playing them not so long ago and I must admit that I'm having a blast, the communities there are very friendly specially to newcomers.There are plenty of PW out there but my recommendation would be, since its the most populated one and its very easy to understand.As the wiki says: The server is best characterized by calling it a low to medium magic world that stays very close to the power-levels seen in 'Baldur's Gate I: The Sword Coast Chronicles' and early 'Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn', excluding the Throne of Bhaal expansion. Despite the potential for combat and action we are a roleplaying server.
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