Saint Row 2 Mods
Saints Row 2 (abbreviated to SR2) is a sandbox-style action-adventure video game developed by Volition, Inc. And published by THQ. It is the second title in the Saints Row series. The game follows the unnamed protagonist — referred to as male in this article — who leads a fictional street gang.
From the modder who brought you RainClouds comes, a mod where it’s Yuri’s time to shine – placing her as the protagonist, you will be seeing the world through new eyes.At least, we hope that’s the meaning of the title rather than, y’know, her sinister quest to acquire a new pair of peepers, ripped violently from the heads of those who oppose her. At last, the unfathomable agony she suffers can be your own – you lucky person, you! For anyone who has exhaustively tackled every angle in their futile quest for happiness, and wanted just a little more satisfaction, could bring you the salvation you have been seeking all this time.It can only be pursued after unlocking the golden ending, and it sets out to be the definitive final chapter of all mods.In this mod, nobody is left behind. How to play ddlc. It’s Doki Doki, guys – we’ve seen worse.Poor Yuri doesn’t get as much love as she deserves (having to settle for third place in our ), so it’s nice for her to be given the starring role for once.

SAINTS ROW THE THIRD MODDINGThe Gentlemen of Steelport is a compilation of Saints Row The Third mods from myself and other modders. It currently includes mission replay, the ability to customize all vehicles, change clothing colors in your wardrobe, new cheats, new clothing, extra colors, weapon and physics mods, disable tutorial popups, alternate homies like the real and very much alive Johnny Gat, bugfixes, tweaks, and much much more.A Batch installer builds all files dynamically so players no longer have to worry about using command line tools to get different mods working together. The menuing system also allows player to toggle individual mods on and off for fine tuning and customizing the patch to suit their taste.SAINTS ROW 2 MODDINGHere you will find downloads and utilities for Saints Row 2 modding.IMPORTANT! I strongly advise any player new to Saints Row 2 on PC to first read the that I wrote up for it on the Steam forums. It has everything you'll need to know to get the game running well, and also troubleshoot the myriad of bugs that can and will come up.The Gentlemen of the Row Saints Row 2 Super Mod is a massive integrated collection of mods from myself and other Saints Row modders.
The Cabinet - White House Outfits for Homies. This mod adds copies of the main character Homies (Shaundi, Asha, others listed above) that are wearing the clothes they wear during the mission, 'The Saints Wing' AKA the White House outfits to the phone contacts list. Sep 19, 2018 COMPATIBLE WITH ALL SAINTS ROW 2 TITLE UPDATES MADE FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH SAINTS ROW 2 REGION FREE ISO (Xbox 360) (NOT DLC COMPATIBLE! Some of the dlcs blocks some mods, the only one ive noticed DLCs blocking is the modded cheats), and that was with the free unkut pack, I have not tested the paid dlcs yet.).
Saints Row 2 Mods Reddit
Today we are talking to Dan Taylor, a professional level designer who has in the past worked for Eidos, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Rockstar (among others) on games such as Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Hitman: Sniper, or Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Dan - who started out as a modder for Morrowind, Skyrim, and Fallout New Vegas - has close to two decades of experience in the video game industry under his belt and his talk on Ten Principles for Good Level Design at the Game Developer's Conference 2013 is cu.