Civ 5 Brave New World Best Civ

Civ 5 Brave New World Best Civ For Military

It depends on which period of the game. If you mean Brave New World, then Poland. Every civilizations has their strengths and weaknesses, but Poland has very strong strengths and almost nonexistent weaknesses. New civilizationsEdit. Brave New World adds nine playable civilizations and leaders: Casimir III of Poland, Ashurbanipal of Assyria, Pedro II of Brazil, Shaka of the Zulus, Maria I of Portugal, Gajah Mada of Indonesia, Ahmad al-Mansur of Morocco, Enrico Dandolo of Venice, and Pocatello of the Shoshone.
HOVER FOR DETAILS! I've only played this game (with no dlcs) for 10 hours only against friends (all have 100+ hrs) and today I finally got all the DLCs, so we will start a new game today. Ubuntu can0 device id. I've only played as Russia and lost my very first game (mainly because I had no clue what to do and just radomly learned new technologies instead of getting the most useful ones for me) and did failry well (was 2-3rd on the scoreboard, but we didn't finish it) during my second game.

We have an agreement that we won't attack each other at the early stages of the game and most of the time we don't fight each other until the very end. We also have an agreement to tell each other about building wonders so we don't get fucked over when multiple people start building the same stuff. What civ would you advice me to play as?.